You have the map, but do you know where you’re going?

If you don't know your destination, no map can take you there. You may be thinking, "Uh, duh? I know how maps work- I spent my entire teen years printing out Mapquest directions, Katelyn!"

And you're right, it's obvious to us that we need a destination when we're planning a trip, but did you know that this same concept applies to our self love journey as well?

So often we think that once we attain the external circumstances of XYZ, we'll finally be able to love ourselves. But this is a false assumption. For example, if you believe that having clear skin will bring you self love, you will work yourself silly to become a person with clear skin... who still doesn't like themselves very much.

Believe me, I spent 20 years and thousands of dollars trying to cure my chronic cystic acne (I mean it- I haven't had spot-free skin since I was 10, not even for a single day!!!) and even when I was able to figure out a system that worked to keep my skin somewhat clear, I still didn't like myself.

Because it was never about the acne at all.

It was about feeling comfort and joy in my own skin.

And the same is true about your XYZ as well. I don't usually pretend to know what someone truly wants, but I can say this confidently: you don't actually want the thing you think you want (at least not ultimately), what you really want is internal feeling state.

You think you'll get this feeling when you get XYZ, but you can actually only get that feeling by creating it within yourself. (This is precisely what we go over in my coaching program, by the way!)

So what do you really want? If you're still reading this, my guess is that what you really want is to feel free, relaxed, connected to your body, joyful, alive, & present in every moment.

That's your destination.

Self Love is merely the route you'll take to get there.

If you’d like support on your self love journey, I’m here to help! Book a complimentary coaching session with me here to see if you’d like to work with me for private coaching. See you there!


How’s your self talk?


Is “letting yourself go” really such a bad thing?