Hey, I’m Katelyn,

Certified Self Love Coach

I’m just your average intersectional queer feminist, secular unschooling mom, home-maker, and (wannabe) self/community sufficient homesteader. I’m a Scorpio sun, Cancer moon, & Aquarius rising. I fully believe my sole purpose on Earth is to drink tea and read trashy romance novels. (Only slightly kidding about that last one…)

I’m on a personal mission to help softies irrevocably upgrade their self esteem and author an epic, romantic, pleasurable life.

In 2020, I experienced a total transformation. It was hard not to. I decided I was no longer fine with living a “fine” life filled with self loathing and sacrificing my own pleasure in order to stay small and fit in.

Through my own wild rebirth, I drastically flipped the script from constant self criticism, lack of self trust, body hatred and dysmorphia, lack of confidence, deep shame, and so much more to deep contentedness, happiness, self trust, self forgiveness, the ability to receive and experience pleasure, and a genuine love for my physical body— so called “flaws” and all.

All I could think about is how to help others have this kind of wild rebirth. So I hired Candy Motzek (of the wildly popular She Coaches Coaches podcast) to teach me how to become a coach myself. She did a fabulous job! I’m an incredible coach thanks to her (if I do say so myself). Then I enrolled in the Self Love Lifestyle Coaching Certification Course, an ICF certified coaching certification program and finished the 6-month intensive with flying colors (again, if I do say so myself).

I’ve been coaching professionally for a while now (after volunteering as a lay-counselor for almost 10 years— oh yeah, did I mention that??) and my program is only gaining resources and value the more clients I lead to their own Wild Rebirth.

And now it’s your turn. I so hope you’ll join me.