What does it mean to have a wild rebirth?

In order to love yourself, you have to know yourself.

In order to be yourself, you have to know yourself.

In order to know yourself, you need to cultivate the safety + courage to start taking up space.

Space to let your truest feelings and desires come up. Space to let your truest Self speak.

That's where we start. With the babiest of baby steps. We start with simply creating the safe space to allow your truest Self to speak up and be heard.

On our hour long weekly zoom calls, we'll talk about your simplest of desires (like your favorite way to take your coffee or tea) and work our way up to your bigger desires (like where your passion + purpose lies). You deserve to live a life full of simple pleasures and soul fulfillment. You don't have to choose between being your most natural self and loving yourself.

After that, we begin to bring this Self into your daily life. I'll be right there with you through our calls and WhatsApp chat, holding your hand in real time as you integrate this. I'll offer you encouragement and the space to be heard and held in your truth. I'll also push you in the right direction slightly outside of your comfort zone to help you stretch and grow.

Throughout our entire 12-weeks together, I'll question the negative or false beliefs that are holding you captive and keeping you in the self-loathing cycle. And pretty soon, you'll start to pick up on it too and question your own beliefs when you're on your own. You're going to be set up with the tools you need to recognize your own innate goodness and beauty and to laugh off the conditioned thoughts that try to convince you otherwise. You will finally be able to live your life fully, with an open heart, unburdened by the fear of getting hurt.

And this unburdening will begin to rub off on others. Your joy, your pleasure, your unique You-ness will invite others in as well. Love always multiplies. Always.

As your coach, I'm here to help you know, be, and love your truest Self so that you can bring your deepest desires into reality. All at the same time. It really is possible. Don't wait. Book a free consult call with me to learn about how you can have the Wild Rebirth your soul is craving.


I think you *should* “let yourself go.” Here’s why:


Your body is your home