Your body is your home

I want you to do a small, simple exercise with me.

Put one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach.

Take a slow, deep breath in.

And slowly let it out.

Your body is your home. You can return to it any time.

So often we get caught in our heads— the anxiety and panic spin stories that sound or maybe even “feel” true, but aren’t.
Just like Byron Katie says, no thought is truth. They’re harmless unless we believe them.
But our bodies? Oh yes, our bodies tell us the truth. You can’t think your way to truth. For that, you need to go within.

In your body,
Anxiety asks, “I’m sensing danger, sink in and see if it’s real or just an old trigger.”
Anger says, “a boundary was crossed or a need was not met. This needs to be corrected.”
Joy extols, “This feels good! More of this, please!”
Peace beckons, “Rest and be. There is plenty of time for doing. Now it is time for being.”

Your body is your home. And you can return to it at any time. In fact, I have a program that can teach you the tools you need to do this with simplicity, pleasure, and ease.

Come join me for private coaching in my 12-week Wild Rebirth program.

You’ll learn:
🍂 how to recognize your true Self’s inner voice
🍂 how to actually be yourself- your true Self (the real you underneath it all)
🍂 how to stop the Self Punishment Cycle
🍂 how to get back into your body with a simple, subtle, do-anywhere process
🍂 how to slow down in your daily life
🍂 setting gentle boundaries and the mindset switch that will help you handle pushback
🍂 the clever thought ladder that will take you from negative to positive self talk
🍂 how to romance and romanticize yourself and your daily life, as you are right now
🍂 honoring and celebrating your truest, Wildest Self by doing what you really want
🕯️ And throughout the entire process, you’ll be spontaneously and irrevocably falling head over heels in love with yourself

Now how does that sound?

Learn more by booking a free, no-pressure consult call below.


What does it mean to have a wild rebirth?


I know why you’re not totally happy. Are you ready to hear it?