Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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Do you have to be resilient?

Do you have to be resilient?

If by “resilient,” you mean TOUGH and HARDENED and GRITTY, then absolutely not.
But if by “resilient,” you mean staying true to your Selfiest Self no matter what life throws at you? Then absolutely yes.

You can be soft and vulnerable and open hearted without crumbling.

Closing your heart to your natural human emotions because they’re uncomfortable is not the secret to pleasure. In fact, it’s the opposite.

Allowing yourself to FEEL your genuine human emotions without attaching any stories to them is healthy.

But most of us miss out on this one crucial part: detaching our painful stories from our emotions.

Wallowing in your most painful stories is only going to give you more reasons to wallow in pain. And that can be a really hard place to dig yourself out of. 😣

But remember, you are the sole Author of your life. You can write your wildest dreams into ANY circumstance. Trust me, I’m super good at this. And I can teach you how to build this skill as well. It’s going to change your life. I am fully confident in that. ✍️

I’m here to help you untangle the web of stories that have been holding you back from following the golden thread of your own uniquely beautiful authenticity, the thread that stitches together the most important parts of yourself to form a life that feels electric.

There is beauty, love, romance, and magic to be found in each and every present moment. Don’t miss out on it.

THIS is complete freedom.
THIS is complete joy.
THIS is complete peace.
THIS is complete Devotion.🕯️

Find out more about DEVOTION here