Follow the thread…
Follow the thread.
Stray from the path most tread.
That is, so long as your Selfiest Self agrees.
(The photo above is one of my most favorite poems about this)
Who are you? Do you know yet? Do you want to know more?
Authenticity is one of the most important (and chronically overlooked) parts of pleasure. It’s one of the first steps I take you through when you join Devotion.
Deeply accepting, then deeply loving your truest self opens the doors to unbridled pleasure.
It’s the thrill of self discovery.
Because there is nothing wrong with just being your natural self and allowing her to lead. You may believe there’s something more you have to do, but there truly, truly isn’t.
I don’t care what your past says.
What your insecurity says.
What your mom says.
I don’t even care if you’ve personally hurt ME.
You are absolutely perfect exactly as you are. Not for what you do, but for who you ARE.
When you finally drop your mask and allow yourself to simply be…
Those moments between moments when you forget to perform yourself and simply exist…
That’s when you’re free.
And that’s when I believe you are at your most beautiful.
There is nothing more exquisitely healing than radical self acceptance. Because once you’re on the other side, I PROMISE YOU you will wonder why you ever doubted your own worth. You will weep tears of joy and sweet release as all your lifelong self criticisms begin to melt away into pure unconditional love.
Years ago now I pulled on a thread I discovered within myself and it grew taut. There was something attached to the other side… as corny as it sounds, it was Love.
I’ve been following it ever since. And it has always, always, always led me to more of myself. It’s always there for me to grab onto and pull myself back in close to Love, back where I belong.
You have a thread inside of you too.
You’ll be able to follow it when you stop getting lost in everything that isn’t you.
That’s why following someone else’s lifestyle or beliefs has never worked for you.
I double dare you to pull the thread.
I’m here to walk you through the exact steps you need to take to get there as swiftly and fully as possible.
Are you ready for it? 🪡
Come join DEVOTION and find out just what you’re made of.