Strawberry & Honey Balsamic Chicken Thighs
Have you ever tried strawberries in a savory dinner recipe before?? Neither had I! But last month during the Strawberry Full Moon, I was inspired. I regularly make Po veggie & turkey wraps with strawberry jam, so how different would it really be?
I had visited my local Farmer’s Market a few before June’s Full Strawberry Moon and got some ancestral Strawberry Fields mead from Stardust Cellars. I knew then and there that I just had to make an inspired Strawberry Moon dinner! I looked up which savory flavors go well with strawberries and found a whole list, but balsamic vinegar and basil practically jumped out at me from the page. I also knew I wanted to incorporate local honey as a nod to the mead I would most definitely be pairing it with, so I snagged some of that too from Mother’s Finest Urban Farms.
After that, all I had to do left was experiment. I often cook with balsamic vinegar and maple syrup together so I already had an idea of how this recipe would go.
First, I washed, dried, de-stemmed, and halved my fresh strawberries. Then I blended them into a puree with honey and a dash of lemon juice to brighten up the flavors. Next up came the flour dredge for the chicken. Then cook time! This is a pretty quick dinner to whip up as long as you have your ingredients measured and on hand.
For this particular evening, I drank my Strawberry Fields mead as-is, but I am currently in the process of making my own homemade honey mead (stay tuned!) which I plan to add Strawberry Puree and muddled jalapeños to to make a lovely cocktail pairing. That would be perfect for a Strawberry Full Moon dinner party! I can’t wait until next year!