When nothing feels like enough

When nothing in your life feels good enough, it’s a pretty clear sign to me that you aren’t enough.

And I want you to listen up.

All of us are inherently more than enough and all of us are inherently worthy. But if you don’t believe this truth, if you don’t claim it for yourself, then you won’t be able to BE it. You won’t be able to live your life in a way that feels like a love story. If you’re not being your Selfiest Self and giving yourself the love you deserve, then it’s no wonder nothing else is enough.

You are the source of all the love in your life. You are the one who either receives or gives all of the love, so it makes perfect sense that when you start to source love from anything outside of yourself, you will feel immensely dissatisfied with it. Nothing outside of you can give you something you’re denying yourself.

All of us are conditioned to look outside of ourselves for our self worth, but no external validation can ever replace the internal validation that you’re truly seeking. No matter how strong the craving and no matter how intense the fantasy, NOTHING outside of you can give you security and confidence. You give yourself those things. Even when it appears like an external circumstance is the cause, it’s really you all along.

Because even if/when you DO get the thing you think will “fix” everything and finally fulfill you… once that heady rush of dopamine wears off (and it always does when you’re disconnected from your self love), you’re going to come to realize that you still feel exactly the same as you did before.

Because I will shout it from the rooftops:

Nothing outside of you can give you something you’re denying yourself.

So where do we go from here? We stop denying ourselves of our own love, our own affection, attention, adoration, devotion, unconditional love, and everything else we may crave to receive from others. When we choose ourselves, our true selves, the world cannot help but choose us back. It’s a beautiful reflection of the beautiful soul you are right now, and always have been.

If this excites or inspires you… you may be ready for full on Devotion.

Join me. ♡


From fearing your life to flirting with it


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