Some thoughts about turning 30…
I’m definitely in a busy building phase in my life right now. For some reason there’s this cultural notion that says the good life ends with your 20s, so you’d better have done everything you want by then. Your 30s and beyond are for working a soul-sucking job you hate, going into debt keeping up with the Jones’, and trying to discipline the “kid” out of your kids. Uhh, no thanks?
I’m about to turn 30 & my life is just beginning to get good. Whoever came up with the idea that your 20s are the best years of your life clearly had a very sad life. Or maybe I’m just a late bloomer. Either way, I’ve decided that I’m not going to settle. I’m going to unsettle. I’m going to live my life by my values, my rules, my whimsy. I’m going to show Po a living example of a courageous woman fully in charge of her life.
So, I’m building that life. It’s a bit of a slog at times, but I have a feeling life is only going to get juicier & more vividly colorful from here.
Do you have something you want but aren’t reaching for because it’ll take some hard work and letting go to get there? The Knight of Stones (The Horse) reversed is here to remind us that a little bit of struggle can be a really good thing. We can cultivate a slow, intentional life AND have our Eye of the Tiger training montage. Opting out of hustle culture doesn’t mean we never have seasons of working hard, it just means that we don’t force ourselves to hustle endlessly toward someone else’s picture of success. You can say no to the idea that dreaming is for the young and revolutionize your life at any time.