Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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You don’t perceive the world as it is, you perceive it as YOU are

Outside of your perception… what exists?
And even inside of our everyday human interactions that make us feel connected with one another, we can’t know for sure that any of us are experiencing life in the same way, because it’s always just YOU perceiving it.

8+ billion completely different realities are happening at the same time. We’re used to this because it’s the only thing we know, so we deem it as “normal,” but have you ever stopped to consider how forking weird that is???

If you identify as a cynic, you’re going to see a glorious abundance of reasons to be cynical.
If you identify as afraid of everything, you’re going to be afraid of everything.
If you identify as the luckiest girl in the world, you’re going to see proof that you’re the luckiest girl in the world.

The way that you are looking at your life is the way you’re going to see it.
So how many of us are looking at our lives through the lens of deeply desiring but not actually BEING pleasured?
How many of us have resigned our deepest desires to “someday” or even worse, “highly unlikely” so we just never start consciously identifying with being the person who has them?
If we never identify as being the woman who lives a lifestyle of pleasure, effervescence, joy, peace, and freedom, how on earth are we ever supposed to have & hold it?
We won’t. We’ll just look at pleasure as an anomaly, or be too ashamed and afraid of ourselves to accept it.

The only thing stopping you from actually being the woman of your dreams is you not BEING her. This is not about doing. This is about how you are thinking about yourself. This is about you choosing your favorite version of yourself, watering her in your mind, and giving her the space to flourish.

The biggest key to TRUE pleasure is authenticity.
Because who you are being defines the world you are seeing.
When we are able to finally look ourselves square in the eye, accept who we are and where we are right now (even if it hurts), only then can we release those old patterns and move toward our biggest, brightest, most beautiful selves.

And from there, the life of your dreams pursues YOU.
Just because you’re you. ✨

Come find out who you truly are.
And how powerful you truly can be.

Read more about DEVOTION here