How do I love myself when I think I’m ugly?

I used to think I was the ugliest girl in the world.

I thought I was an abomination in every aspect.

And because I believed I was ugly, ugly was all I saw. I had to do some serious digging before I discovered the easy way to love myself. Instead of trying to force yourself to stop hating yourself (and then double shaming yourself when you inevitably fail), you dissolve your shame altogether by accepting & allowing it and then finding a stepping stone thought to stand on.

For example, I used to hate my cystic acne (it weirdly went away altogether in the span of a few weeks after I accepted it & gave it love. I’d had it for 14 years. FOURTEEN YEARS. It was spooky & surreal. Then I missed it, which was funny.)

I thought it made me so ugly. I felt like my face was covered in these huge, horrible, painful spots. My inner talk was a mess.

I just got so fed up with suffering. I just gave up. I stopped resisting my feelings about my acne. I just allowed my feelings of grief and pain to flow as they came. Whenever my inner bully came in, I figured out that if I could find a thought that was a little kinder & I also believed was true, I felt better. “I hate my ugly fking face,” became, “This is my face,” became, “I’m willing to accept my face,” & so on until I genuinely started to see how exquisitely beautiful I was/am.

If you’re like me, you have to believe in your affirmation in order for it to work. Otherwise you’re just lying to yourself. Back then, I could tell myself I was pretty all day long, but because at that time I didn’t believe it, it was technically a lie. (The capital T Truth is that I really WAS pretty, but because I didn’t BELIEVE it, my body recognized it as a lie and rejected it.) The same is true for you too.

You only see yourself as ugly because you’re believing an ugly story. At their core, beliefs are just thoughts you kept thinking. And all beliefs, even the ones we hold onto tightly as part our identity, can change completely.

Everything in our lives can change completely with a change in our beliefs.

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