Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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How to Make Oat Flour

You’ve tried Oat Milk… But have you heard of Oat Flour??

In the world of alternative flours, there are SO many more than just the standard Almond or Coconut Flour… In fact, you can make a ‘flour’ out of just about any nut, grain, and seed out there! Although technically it’s hard to grind oats finely enough to be classified as flour without a mill, but calling it Oat ‘Meal’ (which is the term for coarse ground) is just too confusing.

Anyway! Back to Oat Flour.

You can make it at home with just a high powered blender and old fashioned rolled oats. Easy!

Homemade Oat Flour

Just take 1 cup old fashioned rolled oats and pour them into your blender.

Then blend for around 30 seconds or until evenly ground.

Store in an airtight glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 year.

It’s that simple! You can use oat flour in bread, muffins, waffles, pancakes, crisps… you name it!