Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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Simple Slow Cooker Bone Broth

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I hope you’re extremely impressed by my ability to hold a half gallon of bone broth with one hand! LOL
Is there anything better than the smell of delicious home-cooking simmering away in the kitchen on a cold day? That’s my happy place. Well, that and actually eating the food…

If you’re on the internet, I’m sure you’ve heard of Bone Broth. It’s extremely popular right now— and for good reason! There are sooo many health benefits of this delicious & nutritious “drink.” Let’s go over a few of them real quick before I dive straight into this super-simple recipe:

  • promotes healthy collagen for healthy joints and skin

  • bone marrow is highly nutritious and contains nutrients like iron, vitamins A and K, selenium, zinc, magnesium

  • high in protein

  • can help heal leaky gut syndrome

  • the high concentration of minerals make it an immune supporting powerhouse (ever wonder why grandmas recommend chicken soup for a when you’re sick?)

I’m sure there are MANY more reasons, but I’m sure you’re itching to make some for yourself so let’s get to it!

Simple Slow Cooker Bone Broth Recipe:


  • Bones from an organic chicken or grass-fed beef

  • 6 stalks celery

  • 6 whole carrots

  • 1 onion, roughly chopped

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • 1 tbsp raw, organic apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s reigns supreme! Get it here)

  • Himalayan Sea Salt & pepper to taste (Get it here)

how to:

  • Place everything in a slow cooker & fill with enough filtered water to cover the bones.

  • Cook on low for 12-24 hours. I prefer to let mine go until the 24 hour mark!

  • Strain & drink 2-4 oz daily or use to make rice, quinoa, or homemade soups!

You know I’m all about homemade!! This method is both insanely cost effective AND better for you as long as you’re using high quality ingredients. No preservatives, no hidden ingredients like sodium and sugar, and minimal processing!