homemade immunity-boosting elderberry gummies

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love elderberry syrup but hate the mess? e s p e c i a l l y when attempting to give it to small, wild children? 🙃 i feel ya.

these gummies are so easy to make & so FUN for kids (& grownups, let’s be honest) to eat!


• 3/4 cup homemade elderberry syrup

• 3/4 cup ningxia red

4 tbsp non-gmo, beef gelatin

silicone gummy bear molds


• combine elderberry syrup and ningxia red in a small saucepan & sprinkle gelatin powder on top.

• turn the stove on medium low & stir it up, baby.

• continue to stir the mixture until it’s warmed just enough to fully incorporate the gelatin. be careful not to heat it too much. you want it warm, but not hot!

• this next step requires a little bit of rub-your-belly-and-pat-your-head skills as you’ll need to continue to lightly stir your mixture with one hand & fill gelatin molds with the other. you’ll deffo want to invest in a dropper for this! (the gummy bear molds linked above come with a great one! it’s easy to clean too. PRAISE.)

• pop your molds in the refrigerator for a few hours or until firm.

store in a clean glass jar in the fridge for up to 2 months!

for kids, take 1-2 a day. for adults, take up to 4.


healthy, immune-supporting cookies


homemade immunity boosting elderberry syrup with young living vitality oils