Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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When pleasure feels too far away…

There can be seasons in our lives when pleasure just feels too far away. This is a normal part of being Human. We’re going to experience pain sometimes.

When this happens, we can turn to peace. Which in turn, can shift us back into pleasure & ease. Sometimes we fear the surrender that peace & pleasure ask of us.

Because surrendering means consciously admitting that we have no actual control in life. (We have no control even if we don’t admit it, but we like to soothe ourselves by thinking we can get some with our perfectionism & micromanaging.)

But even in our pain, we can find peace if we practice non-resistance & staying present in our bodies. (I have a whole-ass guided meditation I send my clients that helps you do exactly this)

Part of the work we do in 1:1 coaching is helping you pulling apart the tangled web of stories that are keeping you stuck in confusion & dissatisfaction so we can find the unique truth of who you are.

This is an important habit to build because nothing & no one outside of you can give you what you aren't giving yourself.

This is the real reason why pleasure feels CONSISTENTLY far away. Like when it feels like you're living a life that's just always... kinda... blehhh.

It isn't because there is something wrong with you, it's because you aren't allowing yourself to truly BE yourself.

Maybe you don't think you'll be able to do it.

Maybe you don't think your entire life can change from *just* a shift in your beliefs.

Maybe you don't think you'll be able to truly slow down & surrender to the pleasure all around you.

Maybe it all sounds too scary right now.

It’s ok to have doubts & fears. We just don’t want to live there anymore.

Even if you're feeling like you're just too stopped up with old stories & limiting beliefs— you too can unwind your way to an entire lifestyle of pleasure & peace.

It’s time for you to sink deeply into the You that feels like pure magic & soak up all of the soulful sensual goodness you already have within you. 🛁🥂

Because pleasure & peace is who you *are,* not what you do. Even if you don’t believe it yet, little gosling. You were born a swan. Have faith in yourself. My 1:1 Devotion is just for you. 🦢✨