Did you know you could romance yourself?
Have you ever taken yourself out on a proper date? —The kind you’d go on with a romantic partner? I want you to picture the last time you truly enjoyed spending time with yourself (and I mean real, genuine quality time, not just Introvert Isolation.) If you’re having a hard time coming up with a memory, why do you think that is? Do you not know how to romance yourself? Or that you're even allowed to?
You don't have to settle for a neutral relationship with yourself. It’s not enough to feel “good enough.” I think you know this already. I think you know that there’s so much more. Your inner voice, your inner knowing, wants more for you & from you. I know because I feel it too.
Simply not hating yourself is not enough. No- to feel truly and completely Alive, you need to love the person you are. You need to celebrate them. So much will change when you begin to really dig into this work.
Here in America we hear all this talk about ‘loving others the way we love ourselves’, but most of us don’t even know that we’re allowed to love ourselves deeply and completely, let alone how. (Not to mention the Elephant In The Room that most Americans aren’t even taught to love others well, just how to comply with Patriarchal White Supremacy. Sigh) But let’s take a sidestep from that and think about your ideal romantic soulmate, real or imagined. I want you to picture what your life would be like with this person in your life. It feels good, yeah? I want you to feel those same big, juicy, beautiful, Anything-Is-Possible feelings about yourself that you feel about this soulmate. You may even come to find out you were your own soulmate all along. (Not to spoil the ending or anything… 😉)
See, our known idea of Self Love sounds like fluffy affirmations and vague concepts, but it’s so much more. When put into practice true, genuine Self Love can change everything in your life. Loving yourself is about allowing yourself to exist as is and practicing living every day as a celebration of that Self. So many of us worry that this will make us selfish but in reality, Self Love is the one thing that enables us to love others to our best ability. The more love you pour into yourself, the more love you have to shine out to a world that desperately needs to see your light.
You don't need permission, but here's some anyway: You're allowed to love yourself the way you really, really wish you could. Not some false "perfect" future version of you, but exactly the You that you are right now. And it's easier than you think. Wild Self Love is more than just “Self Care,” (although that is an important part of the process) it’s living in flow with yourself and honoring that Self.
Deeply loving yourself is actually your original state of being. And we're gonna get back to it, one itty bitty baby step at a time. Pretty soon you won’t even realize you’re “practicing” anymore, it will just become your new normal. This is what I like to call Wild Self Love. In my coaching practice Wild Self Love is both the journey and the destination. Wild Self Love is not a one-size-fits all process because you are not a one-size-fits-all person. We will take a look at your unique struggles and collaborate on your best path forward into your biggest, shiniest Self.
The only thing you need to do to be worthy of love is to release the blocks that prevent you from believing that you are. As your Wild Self Love coach, I’m here to walk with you down the path to loving, honoring, and accepting yourself exactly as you are right now.
Self Love is your natural state— you were born with unconditional love for yourself and everyone else around you. I’ll gently guide you as you re-wild yourself back there. In the process, you’ll discover who you truly are beneath the layers of shame, expectations, and cultural conditioning. You’ll discover that the more love you pour into yourself, the more you have to shine out into a world that desperately needs to see your light.
You were born good. You were born worthy. You were born from pure Love.
All you need to do is take the first step toward that truth. If you feel the call to Rewild yourself to Self Love, you can book a free coaching call here.