Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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I think you *should* “let yourself go.” Here’s why:

Is it really such a bad thing to "let yourself go?"

“I want to let myself go.” Me to me, just on the brink of my self love journey. The phrase “letting yourself go” is often used against women, enbys, & other softies to shame us out of our desire to be fully, authentically free. But I have an alternate narrative that I think is more fitting: let yourself go from the idea that you need to be anything other than everything you already are.

Let's read that again because it's powerful AF: let yourself go from the idea that you need to be anything other than everything you already are.

Letting yourself go >>> holding yourself in.

So let yourself exhale.
Let yourself spread out.
Let yourself BE.

You are exactly the person you were always meant to be already. As is. Right now. As we're drawing closer to the end of summer (at least according to the public education system in the U.S.), I want to make sure I’m offering slowness & intentionality to your Internet consumption. Even if you're not a parent, you're probably going to be seeing a surge of fast-paced "Super Mom (Dad/Parent/Guardian) does it all!" content on all social media platforms. Lots of really aesthetic & enticing posts about organizing, dieting, and “finally getting it all together” productivity. Unless this is your soul’s genuine calling, I hope you’ll gently tune it out.

If you want to unsubscribe from the belief that you need to change yourself in order to be the person you were meant to, join me for private coaching ASAP. Let's get you comfortable enough to fully let go of the burdens and soul-crushing beliefs you're carrying around your life. It's time for you to be truly free, my dear one.

My coaching is intentional, slow, and soft. I am not a “kick your ass” coach, I’m a “let’s unpack that” kind of coach. If you’ve been reading my emails, blogs, and saving all my Instagram posts, now is most definitely your perfect time to book a consult call with the link below.

LEARN MORE: Have a Wild Rebirth

I also have a mini-course on How to Romance Yourself if you're looking for a quick & dirty, self-paced how to on accessing your truest desires & treating yourself like Royalty. You can buy it here:

Mini-Course: How to Romance Yourself