Katelyn Harper | Pleasure & Self Love Coach

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<strong><em>Perfected 7 Layer Magic Cookie Bars</em></strong>

If you’ve had these magic cookie bars before, then I don’t need to convince you how seriously GOOD they are.

Having made and/or eaten them a couple (ok, a thousand) times myself, I’ve become somewhat of a self proclaimed amateur magic cookie bar critic.

I decided they needed slightly more chocolate (because chocolate, duh) and a little less nuttiness (I could probably use a little less nuttiness myself, but I digress).

Keep scrolling for my ~truly~ perfected recipe. Enjoy!


1 1/2 cup crushed graham crackers (conveniently, 1 sleeve in a box of graham crackers -8 grahams- is exactly 1 1/2 cup! Plus I think crushing them yourself makes them taste better because they’re fresher)

1/2 cup butter, melted

1 can Eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

1 1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

3/4 – 1 cup butterscotch chips, I usually use 3/4 cup, but sometimes I’ll use more if I’m feelin’ a little butterscotch-y

3/4 cup crushed walnuts. Most of the time I’ll crush mine up even more until they’re pretty fine. (Note: I didn’t extra-crush mine for this batch because I think it makes them less photogenic. So maybe skip the extra crushing if that’s important to you. 😂)

1 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes


Preheat the oven to 350

Lightly spray a 9 x 15 pan with Pam Baking Spray (regular Pam Non Stick is fine if you don’t have the baking specific one)

Dump one sleeve of graham crackers into a gallon sized bag and crush with a rolling pin until the crackers are evenly crumb-size

Combine the crumbs and the melted butter in a bowl. Then press the mixture into the bottom of the 9 x 15 pan with the back of a large spoon. Take your time with this step, you want to make sure the bottom crust is even.

Carefully pour the sweetened condensed milk over the graham cracker crust, ensuring there are no gaps. If your condensed milk is having trouble spreading, you can gently turn the dish from side to side to move it around. (I found that trying to spread it with a spoon lifted up the crust which was no bueno, so be careful if you go that route 👎🏻)

Layer on the toppings evenly and press them down firmly with the back of a fork. (If you decide to crush your walnuts a little more, just use the same Ziplock & rolling pin method you used to crush the grahams)

Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the top is browned lightly and the sides have that nice, crispy caramelly color.

Run a knife around the sides of the pan to loosen the edges while it’s still warm, then leave it to cool for 15 minutes or so (if you have the willpower).

Slice it into squares and serve. Store in an airtight container on the counter for up to five days. Though mine have always mysteriously disappeared before day three. 🤔

xx Katelyn